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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 10-21-08
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, October 20, 2008 in the meeting room at the C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Robert Tait, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Director of Health Donna Culbert, Dr. Grossman, David Shugarts, Maggie Shaw, Kim Harrison and eight members of the public.

VOTER COMMENTS:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470 said that the Board needs to reach out to smaller groups and suggested waiving the fees for Leaps of Faith.  Mrs. Johnson also urged the Board to get people that are licensed and certified to do the environmental work at Fairfield Hills.

Dennis Bloom,25 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482 questioned the power to the Newtown Youth Academy being run by a generator and if there was any truth that the gas is going to be propane, for how long and at what cost?  Fred Hurley responded by saying the fuel cost will be paid by Newtown Youth Academy and the cost of putting the  propane in would be a Fairfield Hills cost; it is temporary, until the gas line is put in.  Temporary propane was put in to accommodate a November 1st opening.  Power has already been brought into the campus, however Newtown Youth Academy is waiting to get their hook up request honored with CL&P.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Selectman Mangiafico motioned to accept the minutes of 10/06/08.  Seconded by Selectman Rosenthal.  All were in favor.

Selectman Rosenthal requested moving item New Business item #4:  Nanotechnology and New Business item #5:  Deer Study Group up on the agenda to accommodate the people who came to make presentations.

4.  Nanotechnology:  
                                   Oscar Berendsohn, 34 Appleblossom Lane, Newtown, CT 06470 addressed the      Board regarding Nanotechnology.  Every major corporation is pursuing Nanotechnology.  It is clear there is an interest in the subject but nobody has the time needed to invest in it.  Mr. Berendsohn concluded that a group needs to be formed to pursue this subject with a minimum of three members, possibly as many as five, to include a member of the Fairfield Hills Development group and they would need authority to speak for the Town.  The main objective would be a Nanotechnology Center to determine to which degree Nanotechnology is taught in the State of CT.  
        Bob Rau, Economic Development Commission agrees with the importance and great hopes of Nanotechnology.  The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology was established in 2003 with the objective of making CT a world class center for new technology; to determine how the new technology could be applied to aerospace, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals in CT.  Nanotechnology is recognized as something that deserves attention on the State level.  
        First Selectman Borst suggested Mr. Berendsohn get a group together, outline a program, explore with Yale University, UConn and United Technology to find out exactly what they are doing.  This may help determine what could be done in Newtown to advance the effort.  Selectman Mangiafico motioned to form a committee to pursue the viability of Nanotechnology as an activity in Newtown chaired by Oscar Berendsohn.  Seconded by First Selectman Borst.  All were in favor.
        Selectman Mangiafico advised Mr. Berendsohn to take until the middle of next year to report progress.  Selectman Rosenthal stated that the Board will need to appoint other people and explore if someone on the Fairfield Hills Authority would be interested.  Also, a broad outline of a charge needs to be completed.  First Selectman Borst agreed to be responsible for finding someone on FFHA to act as a liaison.

5.   Deer Study Group:  Donna Culbert, Health Director spoke of the impact deer       have on our community.  Deer are the key to the life cycle of the tick, they are the host that allow the ticks to become so abundant.  A community discussion is needed in Newtown so people realize the impact of deer in the community and what it means for Newtown.  Mrs. Culbert suggested some agencies within the Town that may have interest in this subject, such as the Police, Conservation, the Board of Health and Parks & Recreation.  All sides should be heard, there has to be a dialog, a public information process and an opportunity for people to talk about it.
        Dr. Grossman, Mt. Pleasant Road, Newtown, CT 06470 feels a committee can coordinate research that has already been compiled and present to the Board what they feel is appropriate.  
        Dave Shugarts, 19 Wendover Road, Newtown, CT 06470 stated this is the time to act, not study.  Mr. Shugarts also believes everybody should be heard.  Newtown has both a Lyme Disease problem and a deer overpopulation problem.  The appropriate guideline would be 10-12 deer per square mile, Newtown has up to 80 deer per square mile.  Lyme Disease increased by 71% in CT from 2006 to 2007.  There are now more tick borne diseases, including ehrlichiosis, babesiois as well as bartonella; you can get two or more diseases from a single tick bite.  Overpopulation causes automobile accidents, damage backyard plants and shrubs and damage to the woodlands.  Overpopulation also means that deer eventually reach mass starvation levels.  The most effective method to reducing the number of deer is controlled hunting.  Venison is used to feed the needy.  Mr. Shugarts recommended the Board form a committee, chaired by one of the Selectman.
        Maggie Shaw, 82 Eden Hill Road, Newtown, reported that Brookfield has a committee that consists of two nurses, a Selectman, a Rotarian, a professor, a PHD, an IT person for the website, a conservation commission member and a physicians assistant.  The core group is around seven people.  Ridgefield has a municipal Lyme Disease Task Force that Rudy Marconi formed five years ago.  Ridgefield was a recipient of a $50,000.00 grant from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
        Kim Harrison, 35 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470 stated that Newtown has been working on this for nine years and neighboring towns are beating us to the punch.  This needs to be done now.  You can’t put the health and safety of deer in front of community members, family and children.
        Selectman Rosenthal agrees that any group that is formed should be geared toward action and not study.
        John Moran, 8 Newfield Lane, Newtown, CT 06470 stated that his family has been decimated by Lyme Disease.  He does not understand the CDC’s approach to this.  Allowing the vector to survive is not rational.  There are now ten different diseases spread by the same vector.
        Selectman Rosenthal said that the State Department of Public Health has been derelict on Lyme Disease.  The name of the committee should include Action Committee for Tick Borne Disease Prevention & Deer Population Control; a name that says action is going to come from the committee.  First Selectman stated he will have a decision for the group in the very near future.

1.  Fairfield Hills Update:
     Fred Hurley reported that CL&P, AT&T and Charter have completed stringing their                       wires on the temporary pole system.  Cable/fiber issues are resolved. Drainage work  on the parking lots will get started this week and be done fairly soon. The trail    system is paved from the Cochran House to the water tanks with a binder coat. The trail can be used all through the winter.  Mr. Hurley has been in contact with the DEP and the DPH in regards to information that was requested.  Mr. Hurley explained to Selectman Mangiafico that the State has asked the Town not to start inside work on Bridgeport Hall until they have had the opportunity to review the documentation; that should be later on this week.  This has not put the Town behind schedule, there is site work and fencing that can be done.  Selectman Mangiafico expressed irritation in regards to the News Times article of October 9 and urged First Selectman Borst to be more careful about what is said to the press and advised him to give them the facts.  Selectman Rosenthal encouraged Mr. Hurley to make sure Russell Bartley is monitoring what Claris is doing in regards to environmental matters at Fairfield Hills.

        NEW BUSINESS: (cont.)
              Discussion and possible action:
                              1.  Driveway bond releases:
Selectman Rosenthal moved to release two driveway bonds as outlined in Attachment A.  Seconded by First Selectman Borst and unanimously carried.  The Bateson driveway extension was discussed further.  Selectman Rosenthal believes the bond should be forfeited and another one posted.  Selectman Mangiafico questioned the reason for a temporary certificate of occupancy.  Selectman Rosenthal suggested speaking with the building official about this.

2.      Road Work Acceptance, Road & Drainage Agreement, Oak View Drive
                         This was initially a Road & Drainage Agreement and changed to an excavation after
                                     several months.  No action needed from the Board.
 3.  Appointments/Reappointments:  none

6.      Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) $200,000 Resolution:
     Selectman Rosenthal moved the resolution regarding the Environmental Protection
     Agency as printed (attachment B).  Seconded by Selectman Mangiafico.  All in favor.

7.      October 2008 Tax Refunds No. 7
 Selectman Rosenthal moved to accept the Tax Refunds in the amount of $9,150.04.
  Seconded by Selectman Mangiafico.  All in favor.

8.      Policy regarding employees deployed for military service:  First Selectman Borst         stated there is an employee being deployed to active duty on Nov.3rd.  First Selectman Borst reported that Chief Kehoe and the Police Commission support the policy; however this is a Town policy and not a Police policy.  Selectman Rosenthal stated he has a problem with giving things to Unions that they don’t ask for because it needs to be negotiated.  Selectman Mangiafico agreed that this is an item to be discussed in negotiations at the bargaining table and stated it has implications for all employees and not just the Police.  Selectman Mangiafico motioned to deny the request for differential pay for the Police Officers as requested in the memorandum dated September 3, 2008.  Seconded by Selectman Rosenthal.  All in favor.

Discussion of topics tabled from previous meetings:
1.      Leaps of Faith – First Selectman Borst reported there was a meeting on Oct. 17 with the Selectman of Oxford and the Executive Assistants of Southbury and Monroe.  Other lakes do not charge for non-profit activities.  Leaps of Faith has their own patrol boats and someone following behind for extra safety.  First Selectman Borst said he is going to see what the Lake Zoar Authority comes up with and asked for a more transparent budget.  
2.      Edmond Town Hall change of trustee:  First Selectman Borst reported the Board of Managers are going to keep their trust with Bank of America but is interested in changing to Union Savings Bank in the future months.
3.      Assisted Hearing:  Ruby Johnson and Gino Faiello, Superintendent of Building and Grounds, have been researching assisted hearing devices.  They have determined that FM is better than infrared.
4.      Borough eminent domain:  First Selectman Borst reported that Jim Gaston, Warden, Borough of Newtown will be making some changes and will resubmit for consideration.  Selectman Mangiafico moved that First Selectman Borst respond to Jim Gaston that based on the information we have from Dave Grogins dated July 28th, we do not look favorably on your proposal.  Selectman Rosenthal seconded.  All in favor.
5.      Hattertown Road:  this topic was discussed in Executive Session.  No action taken.
6.      American Wire: First Selectman Borst reported the tax records are accurate and correct.  Bob Tait reported that he spoke with Chris Kelsey, Tax Assessor and the prior taxes were undervalued.  

Selectman Rosenthal moved to enter executive session to discuss legal matters.  Motion seconded by First Selectman Borst.  All were in favor.   Meeting entered executive session at 10:25 p.m. and returned to open session at 11:10 p.m with no action being taken.

Having no further business, the Board of Selectman adjourned their regular meeting at 11:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Marcinek, Clerk

Attachment A:  Driveway Bonds
Attachment B:  EPA grant